Monday, May 11, 2020

An Evaluation Of A Democratic Republic - 1935 Words

Democracy is a multi-dimensional complex system of which the sum is greater than its individual parts. Another perspective that can be used to better understand the conceptual framework of democracy is its identity as a contrast of communism. In the recent century, there have been periods of revolution where regimes have fallen and a democratic system replaced the oppressive communist system. The purpose of this paper is to examine and analyze Hungary’s attempt to function as a democratic republic beginning with the preceding factors that lead to the transition from communism to democracy followed by the transition process itself from 1990 to 1991. An evaluation of the political system fifteen years after the transition will be included in†¦show more content†¦Preceding Factors In order for a society to progressively function, regardless of what type of political system it adheres to, the quintessential factor determining its success in this regard requires a stable economy. The dismal state of the economy in the late 1980’s sealed the fate of communism in Hungary by delegitimizing both Kadar’s regime in addition to the communist system as a political and economic conceptual framework all together (Bigler, 1992). As a result, the loss of faith from the Hungarian public set the tone for a peaceful political revolution that differed from the prior attempts, historically known to have been riddled with violence. Firstly, the oppressive political grip of the Soviet Union known to the Hungarians for the previous four decades was not just absent, it was replaced with encouragement. Secondly, this newfound encouragement was accompanied with a lack of suppression; a sharp contrast of the 1956 revolution where the bloody retaliation of the occupying So viet Troops successfully suppressed the uprising (Bigler, 1992). The end of Kadar’s rule (1988) was followed by a critical change in political and ideological pace beginning with the removal and banishment of Kadar and within a year, the complete abandonment of the communist party’s monopoly on power all together. The party itself was renamed from the Communist Party to the Hungarian Socialist Party and was headed by Karoly Grosz who was the leader behind the coup that overthrew

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